Manpower meaning in entrepreneurship
Manpower meaning in entrepreneurship

manpower meaning in entrepreneurship

Maintenance and overhauling issues along with its life span also cannot be overlooked.Tailoring the requirement of the organization, Selections of a right technical machine and equipment, availability of spare parts, evaluation of after sales services, substitutes and technology and the organization budget are the crucial criteria while purchasing a machine. Selection of an appropriate machine not only enhances efficiency but also saves times and increases revenue. MACHINE Machine are the basic tools to produce goods or to generate services. Most of the industries locate them self nearby to the availability of material

manpower meaning in entrepreneurship

  • Material is a basic ingredient in management be it a service industry or a product industry.
  • MATERIAL Material is a basic ingredient in management be it a service industry or a product industry. Payment of compensation gratuity, termination of services are the few issues that have to be dealt effectively to retain the talent within an organization. It is the recruitment, selection, training, promotion and grievances handling of personnel. M A N Man in management is referred to as a human resource. Policies are framed and work method are determined.


    Middle level management gives direction to lower level management of how to implement those business objectives.

    manpower meaning in entrepreneurship

    Top level takes all major and crucial decisions and frames organization mission, vision and objectives. The functions of management involves planning, controlling, leading, organising decision making of business areas in Marketing, Production, Sales, Research & Development, Human Resource, Finance, Operations Etc.

    Manpower meaning in entrepreneurship